
Realistic and easy ways to get healthy


It’s easy to tipsily slur ‘this year is THE year!’ and think ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ as you pick through the tin of Quality Street.
All too easy.
It’s also easy to get your ass to the gym and sign yourself up. Though, you may just be wasting your money once that motivation dies down. Kudos, if it doesn’t.
However, I’m not a gym sort of girl. The thought of wearing lycra and have people glancing my pathetic way makes my cheeks burn. I’m sort of pessimistic. I also know that I have little willpower when it comes to cutting out certain foods.
So I’m going to be realistic, here are a few ways you and I can follow to improve our health.

1.    Squat whilst you brush your teeth
Four minutes of your day goes to brushing your gnashers. I don’t know about you but I usually spend this time sat on the loo or admiring my eyeshadow without noticing a slight bit of paste slobbering falling from my mouth. No more. Get in 50/60 squats both morning and night, and you’ll quickly realise a difference.

2.    Balance yourself on the work surface as you wait for the kettle/toaster
Again, every single day you find yourself bored in the kitchen waiting for the kettle or toaster. Here I’ll probably just be checking my phone. I’m sure there’s a proper word for it, but my mind has gone blank. So instead, on the work surface place your hands and push yourself up. See how long you can last and work on those guns. Also, a caffeine boost in the morning is proven to rev your metabolism. Win win.

3.    Pour sugary drinks into a smaller glass
This seems simple, but whether it’s a can or a bottle of any size, we don’t really think about how much fizzy drinks we drink. And it’s quite a lot. If you pour them into smaller glasses, cravings are filled and you’re less likely to binge and go and get more or drink for the sake of drinking. Also saves a lot of money! Obviously try and drink more water, too.
4.    Try and squeeze iron into your diet
As an anaemic, this is something I have to do. Though I’ve abandoned my health recently. Especially during the winter months it’s important, and easy, to squeeze iron into your diet. This helps fight fatigue, and even depression. Try and slip basically anything green, as well as porridge, lean meats, nuts, seeds, tofu and dark chocolate into your diet!

5.    Use a day and night moisturiser
My relatives are always banging on about how old my skin is now, it’s kind of true. Cries. So equip yourself with day and night moisturisers that suit your skin type. A quick Google search can help you determine which you need, and always make sure it contains SPF! As my skin is quite sensitive, I only apply moisturiser to the parts of my face that need it (sides of nose, under eyes) to avoid heaviness. Don’t forget to moisturise your body daily too, for that mermaid glow!

6.    Exercise whilst watching Netflix
I realise how bad that heading sounds. I apologise. I don’t mean in the chill way (necessarily) but just a couple of stretching exercises, jumping jacks, crunches or shrugs means you get the best of both worlds.

7.    Turn off technology an hour before bedtime
I’m 100% guilty of getting into bed then distracted by the internet or TV, or both. Though if you turn off all technology and put it away an hour before sleeping you’re more likely to have a more restful night, equalling a healthier mind and body.

8.    Get used to seeing yourself nudey dudey
This is something I could never do. I never understood why people enjoyed being naked so much. Though I’ve since made it a resolution to be at peace with my body. Therefore I now try and not rush showering, moisturising or getting dressed, and instead get used to seeing myself in my underwear or shorts pjs. The more I see my body, the more I’ll accept it and that is extremely healthy!

9.    Don’t skip meals, but skip snacks
I hold my hands up. I am a serial snacker. I’m like a squirrel, couldn’t care less about meals as long as I get to snack all day. Instead, try and have three good meals a day and try and avoid snacking. If you do snack, try a healthier alternative! Cereal bars are actually good, guys!

10. Start the year with some check ups
Sorry, it’s time to get everywhere checked. It does no harm to get yourself checked over every so often, so put your mind at rest now! From sexual health to blood pressure, to making sure you check your parts for any lumps or bumps, you owe it to yourself.

11. Sign up for an event
So many different events are now taking applications for summer runs and activities. Why not sign up? You’ll be able to raise money for a cause and have a motivation to stay healthy, and you’re guaranteed to see great results at the end. (Disneyland Paris now even have a marathon…)

12. Use the stairs
I am often late to my seminars because I’m waiting for lifts. Why?! The stairs are right there. Time to start climbing them.

13. Think positively

Remove the negativity from your life by pressing ‘unfollow’, tell yourself you’ll see results soon, own your self-worth, your revision will pay off and you look great in that outfit. Don’t expect too much from yourself, you’re only human and you’re doing just fine.

Let me know what you're doing to get healthier, or any tips you may have! xx

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